Cornerstone laid under extension of Ogrody Shopping Center in Elbląg!
CBRE Global Investors, acting on behalf of its Property Fund Central Europe (PFCE) will start a major extension at Ogrody Shopping Centre, Elblag.
CBRE Global Investors, acting on behalf of its Property Fund Central Europe (PFCE) will start a major extension at Ogrody Shopping Centre, Elblag.
McDonald’s signed lease agreement with extended “Ogrody” Shopping Center, belonging to CBRE Global Investors.
New Yorker has signed an agreement with Ogrody Shopping Center in Elbląg for over 1 000 sqm.
On September 28, 2012 the construction permit for the extension of the Ogrody Shopping Center in Elbąg became valid.
Laundry Perfect Clean, pharmacy „Apteki Centrum” and travel office joined Ogrody Shopping Center in Elbląg.
CBRE Global Investors, the owner of the Ogrody Shopping Center will apply for a BREEAM certificate for the extension of Ogrody.
LPP signed 6 new lease agreements for the extended Ogrody Shopping Center. The brands all together will occupy about 3 000 sqm.
Camaieu joins the group of the tenants who signed lease agreements for the extended Ogrody Shopping Center. Camaieu will occupy 250 sqm at the ground floor.